Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Outing Day 2

Today I went to Monkey Bizz. It is an indoor play area. It is where all the HE kids meet and play (of course!).

If you're in Kent and you have just started home ed and want to come here is the link to join us .

We go on a Tuesday every fortnight.

There is a toddlers zone for 0's to 5's and 5's to 12's called monkey maze (if you want to leave a cheeky comment about that you may!).

In the monkey maze there is a ball pit, three slides (one slide leads to the ball pit and the other one leads right next to a ladder and one which has bumps and it leads to the other side of the monkey maze at the front), spooky room, 8 ladders, crawl spaces, holes which you climb through, big ball pit, there is a giant crocodile which you can play with, and then there are these big balls on a rope which you can swing on, and another one which is white and you can swing on. There is a big football pit with a bit like a basket ball, and a goal right at the front. Then there are some spinney bits and ropes which you can swing on. Also a seasaw kind of thing.

It was also my Uncle's birthday today.

A friend came over to play and for dinner.

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