Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Welcome back to my blog

Hello Readers

Yes I'm back Samuel's blog is back (laugh laugh) so how is everyone sorry I haven't blogged in a while (more like a year) and now I have some news to say me and my family have moved house on may the 25Th and after having to share a room with William i finally have my own room (yay) so i have peace and quiet at last. Now i have been at this house a while we have the trampoline up and having fun on it but theres been a problem Jonathan (my little brother had broken his leg on the trampoline) so he was in a cast for a while and the same old life of mine went on.

Thats all for now


thenewstead6 said...

So cool to see you back blogging Samuel; looking forward to reading more x

Freya's Staff said...

Hey Samuel! When I'm stuck for someting to write in my blog, Photos always give me an idea, so take lots of pictures!

Samuel said...

Well its not that I dont know what to write I dident have anything else to say

Clare said...

Hi Samuel, I read about your blog on your Mum's blog - this looks great! Keep up the good work :)

thenewstead6 said...

Hey Samuel, you are famous:

Josh said...

great to see you blogging again. i should probeply start again

Zazian said...

Hi Samuel my name is Zak im 13 and homeducated too.

My mum found your blog through your mum's blog.